Run: Long Previous Next


15 mi


7:22 mi

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Another good long run! Drove out with Turtle Mountain State Forest with Ingrid, spent the night in a tent, and went for a run in the morning. It was cool, dry, not windy, no clouds, and trails in great condition. Ingrid turned around at about 50 minutes (we both forgot to start our watches after stopping at one point, so we were a few minutes off), and I continued on. After stopping at the end of a trail at about 80 minutes, I forgot to start my watch again, so the rest of my run was based off of what I knew about distance and time in the park there. I know I ran more than last week, because the last loop I ran was more than 25 minutes. The route was difficult, to say the least. Hills were not as common as the Pembina Gorge, but boy were they steep. Like, I would get to the top and it took everything I had just to keep putting one foot in front of the other. Overall though, I felt really strong today, and though this was the farthest I've ever ran in terms of total time and tied for the farthest in terms of distance, I could've kept going when I was done. That's a wonderful sign :) ...afterwards I did 4 good striders (felt great!), stretched, and did core. Very uplifting day today.
