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5 mi


5:00 mi

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Great workout today! 5x1mile repeats with rest of 2:30, 2:45, 3:00, and 3:30. My group was supposed to be at 5:05-5:10, but I was feeling really good so I went after it today. 5:10, 5:02, 4:58, 4:56, and 4:49. My goal was to hit sub-25 for the workout as a whole, and I did! My legs really held up today, and I was really happy about that. My breathing was really good up through the 4th one and halfway through the 5th one. When I went after it the last 800 my breathing kind of fell apart though. I did even split the last mile, running 2:24 and 2:25. Most of the intervals I came through 400 in 72-73, the 800 in 2:24-2:28, and the 1200 in 3:42-3:45. The hardest part of each interval was the first 400 because my legs felt like jello, but once I started pushing it felt good. Afterwards we cooled down and my body just wasn't having it anymore haha....the last 400 of the last repeat was really hard and my legs started to tighten up as if they had forgotten how to run like that. When we got back I did hurdle mobility, lunges, stretching, and foam-rolling.
