Run: Progressive Previous Next


4 mi


5:31 mi

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Was debating whether to call this a progressive or a tempo. Did this by myself in the afternoon because the team is in Nebraska for a meet. My legs felt awful all day and my shin is sometimes sore again. I drove out to the gravel roads which were busy today! (I came across some kids out shooting; the cops made them leave, but the cops wrote on my 'abandoned' vehicle, which I then had to wash off)...but anyway I warmed up two miles and started my tempo that turned into a progressive. The paces were 5:48, 5:37, 5:27, 5:12. It was an out-and-back. The first two miles were directly into a 8-10 mph wind, so not much, but still enough to get to you if it's for two continuous miles. After I turned around I felt better. I think the two main points for me to take out of today are 1.) I felt really strong today and 2.) I enjoyed this workout. Because of those two things, and given the fact that I did average 5:30 pace, I'm happy :)...when I got back I weightlifted, did hurdle mobility, stretched, and did core. Sara thinks that my shin pain might come from weak/tight hips, so we're gonna start working on that next week.
