Run: Steady-State Previous Next


7.5 mi


5:43 mi

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WORKOUT: 8 mile steady-state run

ACTUAL: 7.5 mile steady-state run

1- 5:40

2- 5:42

3- 5:41

4- 5:41

5- 5:42

6- 5:41

7- 5:47

7.5- 2:54 (5:48 pace)

Good day today. Was planning on doing a hill workout, but even though there were hills in the area, none of them were steep enough or long enough to do a genuine 'hill' volume workout on. I thought I found one on a gravel road near Ingrid's house, but the road was pretty much ice and the hill wasn't great. Being then at 2 miles, I popped onto the highway right next to it (a LOT busier than I expected) and did 4 miles out and 4 miles back. The first mile was gradual downhill, the next three either flat or gradual uphill. There was a slight (~5-7 mph) west wind at my back the first half and then in my face second half. Overall I felt really strong considering I had a workout Saturday, long run Sunday, workout Monday, and my recovery day yesterday ended up being a slog through snowy trails. Actually, I was almost amazed at how strong I'm feeling on these steady-state runs. I'm getting better at them, because I'm not dying as early and I'm holding more steady paces and not turning these into progressive runs as much anymore. The last mile was uphill, so my legs started giving up near the end of mile 7. So I decided to cut a half mile short, because it was either that or keep pushing, slow down a little, and wreck myself on a day where that wasn't necessary. My achilles was pretty sore during the cooldown, but like last year I'm sure that'll go away in a few weeks. Another good day of training! Did core and stretching afterwards.
