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8000 m


WORKOUT: 4-5x1600m with 100 jog rec

ACTUAL: 5x1600m with 100 jog rec

1- 5:30

2- 5:28

3- 5:27

4- 5:28

5- 5:30

Strength workout today. Clay said I'd have a track workout today, but he assigned another easy run, so instead of having four easy days in a row before Thursday's workout, I threw together this workout today. Wanted to hit 5:20 on all of these, but a stiff (~17-20mph) northeast wind made sure that didn't happen. On every rep I hit 80 and 2:40 for the first two splits, but after that I slowed quite a bit because the second half was all into the wind without much cover around. I had toyed with the idea of doing six, but I was pretty spent after 5, so I called it good. My legs felt like heavy weights, but my breathing was alright. Pleased with this workout, because this is the first time I've ever done one like this (short jog recovery and all), so it's just part of the learning process :) I supposed I should probably add that this was all on grass and in my big heavy training shoes ...the only comment I might add it that there was a few times in the last few reps where my left calf would have a little hiccup or random bout of tightness, but it would immediately go away. Not sure what that's all about, but I rolled afterwards to make sure. After cooldown I weightlifted, stretched, and rolled.
