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3500 m


4:18 mi

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Second overall workout coming back and first one using the track. Warmed up to U-Park with Ryan and we did 5x400 backwards. It was all by feel with 2:00 rest after each. We ended up hitting 67/68 on most of them, which is fine considering it was raining/snowing/sleeting, windy, and having the 90 degree turns in there. These were pretty difficult, and I would not have wanted to go any faster or risk losing my form and breathing. After taking a slight bathroom break, we jogged over to the track and did 5x300 with 100 jog recovery. This was again by feel, with my goal to run about 85%. We did these backwards also (trying to save that left shin), and these felt much better. Splits were about 47.5, 48.5, 47.5, 47.5, 46.5. The 85% on the track, like I said, felt really comfortable. I really tried to hold back on the last one, but it ended up being pretty quick. This workout was a really good confidence booster because 1) I am not injured or feel any pain anywhere, including my shin, 2) I'm taking this recovery smarter than last year, and 3) I'm still in pretty good shape. To come back from some hard 4's and run comfortably in the 47s for 300s is really good. Ryan and I cooled down with the usual, did hurdle mobility, stretched, foam-rolled, and iced.
