Run: Long w/ W/O Previous Next


11.3 mi


6:24 mi

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12F, winds gusting in the 30s, and temp dropping, so I hit the treadmill for a grind. Goal was 1 mile warm-up, 10 miles @6:00 pace, and 1 mild cool down. I hit everything on the money except I cut the cool down short because my tummy hurt and I hate treadmill cool downs sooooo much. Once I've mentally let go of the workout, I simply cannot continue to force myself to stay on that dreaded machine. So splits to report because every mile was exactly 6:00 pace at 1% incline for 10 miles. Overall I felt strong and relatively comfortable. At no point during this workout was I "hurting".

One piece of info I can give is that at miles 4 and 8 of the workout I took cadence and heart rate readings. Cadence I counted my steps for a minute and heart rate i took on the treadmill.

Mile 4- 182 steps/min, 154 heart rate

Mile 8- 182 steps/min, 161 heart rate

During mile 10- heart rate 161.

So, I'm getting back to where I need to be :)
