Run: Fartlek Previous Next


8 mi


6:44 mi

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Emerado Road


Workout day with Dwight (btw S/O to Dwight for being an awesome training partner). We went out west and ran with a half sidewind, half tailwind, and did a 15 minute warmup (2 miles). Then we did 2x60sec, 3x45sec, and 4x30sec pickups starting each on the 3:00. The whole workout was 4 miles and then we did a 2 mile cooldown. I was worried how my groin would feel today, and the only reason I felt it at all was because I was thinking about it too much. I made sure to run on the run-down parts of the road that had no gravel on them, because I think part of the groin problem is running fast on slippery gravel. I didn't go all-out, but rather I went as fast as I could while maintaining composure and form. I wanted to feel uncomfortable, but not so much so that I lost my form and started flailing around. Dwight and I ran pretty fast, and for that I am grateful, but I'm glad I was able to hold back; after all, this was just the first pickup workout of many to come later in the season.
