Run: Tempo Previous Next


6.4 mi


6:42 mi

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Tempo day. Goal today was 4 miles on a flat surface, trying to see if I could hover around that 5:55-6:00/mile pace that I was doing in 8ks back in January and February. I ran my warm-up to the US highway and ran out 2 miles and back 2 miles on the shoulder. Dangerous, lots of traffic, but hey, that's running in Virginia. This is a shit state for running. If you can't make it to a park, your options are tiny, winding, shoulder-less highways. Dangerous as hell. But today it meant 4 miles of flat asphalt. Felt super comfortable through the first 10-13 minutes. Last 1.5 miles I was definitely pushing, and I thought I did a 90-95% effort today, but I recovered pretty quick afterwards. Even now in the evening as I type this (I ran this straight after rolling out of bed), my legs feel exactly as they do after an easy day. Oh well, we'll see how they feel when I hit the grass for a recovery run tomorrow. My goal was another long run Friday, but Ingrid is going to be working this Saturday, so I might give myself an extra day of recovery and try something in the 13-15 mile range on Saturday. Just stretched afterwards today because I had to go to the school to clean out my room.


1- 6:07

2- 5:57

3- 5:52

4- 5:46


Cat Diddy

Be careful