Run: Easy Previous Next


1:06 PM

7.7 mi


15:54 mi


156 lb
156 bpm
172 bpm
50 bpm


75 F
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Fort Ben


Beautiful day! Not too hot, very low humidity. Trail extremely busy, lots of bikes, walkers, other runners, all enjoying a great day in the woods. Had to pull over to let bikes by often, but that's the price so it didn't annoy me. Today.

Still experimenting with run/walk: today ran a mile, walked 2 minutes, finished next mile. So walked 2 minutes of each mile after the first--split last break into two, so walked one minute after mile 6 and one after mile 7, since I thought I would end up running only .4 mile last interval.

Also, since it was a warm day, I stopped at car after first loop and drank some Gatorade, ate most of a pack of fruit snacks (brought the rest with me, also 2 Jolly Ranchers and ate near end of last lap).

Last time I did 2 loops of the trail, my legs were trashed--that run was a little longer, as I started at bathrooms instead of at LC trail head, but still encouraging that for almost as long a run on same trail today, my legs didn't have any noticeable aches. Feet did hurt some--Kinvara trail shoes do fit snugly, which is fine until I hit higher mileage and feet swell. Have to keep that in mind when buying next pair of shoes.

Wore Fila skirt (no chafing), pink tie-dye bike shirt, pink tie-dye headband, brown Maui Jims. Comfortable.
