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8:05 AM

15 km


11:02 mi


161 lb
160 bpm
177 bpm
50 bpm


43 F

Race Result

1041 / 1533 (67.9%)
35 / 81 (43.2%)
464 / 835 (55.6%)
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Think I must have started watch 5 or 6 seconds early and stopped it about 2 seconds late--watch time has 1:42:56 and 9.25 miles, so it gives me a pace of 11:08. But official chip time is 1:42:48, and I'll take it!

Overcast and windy today, just over 40 at start. Wore PI tights, Helly Hansen shirt, Paul's blue PI vest, yellow Mini cap, pink MC bra, Kinvaras.

After having nothing last two miles of 10K, I made an effort to eat more this morning before race. Slice of leftover pizza, Pop-Tart for breakfast, Nature Valley granola square half an hour before race. Brought gel, took it at water station closest to 6 miles (maybe 6.25). Felt much better today, had enough to speed up last couple of miles and especially last mile + .3 kicker.

Fairly smooth paces throughout. Goal was to stay under 11:30 for each mile, did that pretty easily. No side stitches today. Stopped at two water stops--grabbed a Gatorade at 3 miles and took gel with water at 6.

Overall very pleased. Tried to stick with people who were just a little faster than I am. It seemed to go quickly, and my energy was good throughout.

Will add race info once it's posted.
