Run: Long Previous Next


16.9 mi


11:01 mi


167 lb


52 F


5 / 10
4 / 10


What did we learn today, class?

Yes, yes ... we learned once again what a hardcore badass you are for doing things like running 17 miles with advanced tuberculosis in Alp-like mountain conditions. Obviously, you're a golden god and Jessica Alba should be calling any day now.

But what else did we learn?

Interestingly, everything we learned - we've learned before! Here's a fun question: how many times do you learn the same lessons before you're officially a card-carrying moron?

Lesson # 1: Lose the frickin' ALL OR NOTHING attitude.

Lesson # 2: Consistency wins. It's swell that you coughed up a lung and left Ebola germs all over the park after 9 days off. But wouldn't 6 or 7 miles have been smarter?

Lesson # 3: No matter how sick you are, no matter how cold its, no matter how bad the foot hurts, the ALL OR NOTHING stupidity has to end. You could have run 3-4 miles every other day, on the treadmill if necessary.

Summary: you're stupid. Good thing you're so charming and well-hung.

Double-secret pneumonia hurts. Not running hurts more. Pain heals. Ostriches dig scars. Plantar Fasciitis last forever.
