Health: Plantar Fasciitis Previous Next


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Plantar Fasciitis: Left Heal/Arch/Achilles Tendon still acting up. First reported at end of February.

Thinking about cutting back for the next several weeks to see if it helps. Will also help my Patella Tendinitis/Tendonosis

May shift training focus for a month or two and rebuild some core strength and cut back on the miles.


L Train

Hmm. Boo, but if that's what it takes, you gotta listen. There's also kinesio tape. I think I have some if you'd like to try.


I have some, thanks. I'm going to race Sunday anyways. At our age running through discomfort is the norm anyway. Might experiment with some different shoes some more as well.


Sorry to see this, Rob. PF can be a long recovery. I remember Laurie having this and not being able to run for several months. You've probably heard of using a cold soda can under the foot and rolling it along the floor to massage and ice the PF area. Some people wear boots to bed to stretch the toes back, I think. Get the info and follow the recommended treatment protocol. Hopefully you can still work on your cardio with cross training alternatives. We'll miss you and Maine Coast!


Been doing the frozen soda bottle thing with little progress. Got the boot to sleep in last week and that has helped immensely. I am easing back into running now.


Hurray. Great to hear that. Get well soon! (But be patient ...)


That is the hard part.