Personal Records for Run

Your personal records, often referred to as "PRs", consist of your best time for races of a given distance. Below is the list of your PRs automatically generated from the race results you entered.

5.00 km16:135:145/19/2015View Race
4.38 mi25:595:56mayor trophy9/12/2013View Race
7137.00 m25:065:40Wolds dash 15/14/2014View Race
5.00 mi28:275:42colin moody 5mile4/3/2014View Race
5.63 mi34:356:09Utterby mystery race9/28/2014View Race
10.00 km34:435:36Skegness 10k11/16/2014View Race
10155.00 m36:025:43wolds dash 48/13/2014View Race
6.36 mi37:51.265:58wolds dash 48/14/2013View Race
7.31 mi43:135:55Wolds dash 26/11/2014View Race
7.40 mi43:255:53Wolds dash 37/9/2014View Race
Half Marathon1:18:556:02GNR9/7/2014View Race