Run: Easy Previous Next


8 mi


7 / 10
2 / 10
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<No name>


I love me some easy distance, and this was quite easy distance, my legs felt great. I even did core afterwards and played soccer with squad. Other highlights of the day include shopping for food and cooking a delicious dinner. Honestly, this would have been a perfect day if Muneeb hadn't soiled it with his malicious comments online. If you are unsure what harassment I am describing, just go to the recent photo Yoon posted on my wall and read the comments. He implied that my hard work put into cooking a delicious dinner was for nothing and it really hurt me. I think because of that I will hang up the apron and retire my dream of becoming a big time chef.

Quality 2/10

Pros: Felt great,high hopes for the Summer

Cons: Muneeb's unwarranted hate

Effort 10/10

It took every ounce of energy in my body to not ball up and cry in a corner ith my pasta from Muneeb's harshness


Ryan Somerfield

he roasted you like he was the one doing the cooking.


Sue me:


At the end of the day I have 18 likes and nothing can take that away.