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8:00 AM

12.5 mi


7:23 mi


42 F
  • Map


Morning run from the Lake Orion store. Started with Dot, Dani, Jen, Katie, and Melissa. They decided to take it pretty chill today, so I bounded ahead and opted for a slightly faster run. I felt great. The hills didn't phase me. I took one wrong turn on the 9-mile loop and ended up going a little out of the way. Caught myself a few minutes out. The only bummer is I really wanted to know my finishing time for the loop today. All good, though.

Felt so great, I finished off the day's mileage about 15 minutes later. After driving Katie home, I left to run the remaining mileage in our neighborhood. It's a beautiful day!

Ran 1:16:15 in Lake Orion, then 16:00 in our Rochester Hills subdivision. Finished with an ab set, then iced my plantars and calves with TheraPearl packs twice during the day. Left plantar's been especially sore.

Ice: 16:00 (AM), 13:00 (PM)
