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7:50 AM

10.5 mi


7:21 mi

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18:00 WU

28:00 CD

Indoor workout in flats on turf with Dot, Danna, and Rachele: 6x1k with 2:00 rest. The other ladies (Chelsea, Olivia, and Anne-Marie) made up a slightly faster pace group. Rest ended up being a mix of walk/jog.

Ran monumentally better than the last workout (Monday at Stony), but still struggled a bit. Half of my reps were a little slower than pace. Kicking this sickness and fatigue, and pushing onward. Seeing Danna and Dot run 10x1k got me fired up. My body can handle more than I think, and we're going up from here.

Lots of other treats from today: Rachele laying the hammer down her last 1k, Chelsea splitting a 71 400m (with a 1k) and feeling smooth doing it, Anne-Marie getting through the whole dang thing sick as a dog, etc. Drawing from the strength and resilience of my teammates moving forward. I'm in fantastic company.

Ran the second half of CD barefoot. Finished with strides and a brief GS set.

Strides: 4, barefoot post-CD

GS, 1x10

Prisoner squats

Rocket jumps

Lateral lunges

Cossack extension

Push-up toe walk

Toe touches


Planks (45s ea. plane)

Bent leg hip extension
