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7:20 AM

12 mi


7:02 mi


37 F
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Stony Creek


22:30 WU

23:00 CD

Beautiful, crisp morning workout in flats on the lake loop with Cally. Ran 2-1-2 with 800m jog rest. Cally had a slam dunk workout (4:59 for the first "go" mile, some 5:0#s, etc.), and I feel mine was ok. A step in the right direction, but really dug deep to hit those disappointing last two miles. I'll get there.

Loved the weather and the energy and running in shorts. Felt super amped just to do something like this. The entire workout was based on that first "go" mile. Got to Stony early for drills and stretches. Finished with a GS set, post-CD.

GS, 1x10

Lateral lunges

Single-leg squats

Pushup toe walk

Prisoner squats

Rocket jumps


Wrestler's bridge


Back hypers

Leg toss

Planks (1:00 ea. plane)

Leg swings
