Run: Easy Previous Next


8:00 AM

8 mi


7:05 mi


56 F


Morning run on the dirt roads with Mel, Dani, Jen, and Katie. We ran an out-and-back from Hart Middle School. The weather was PERFECT. Ran in a sports bra and enjoyed ever step. I felt a little stinted on the second half of the run, so the last miles I asked for permission to haul. Sprinted myself back to Hart feeling fast, smooth, and in my element. I'm surprised I feel this good coming off a high mileage workout. The weather may have played a role in my legs' rejuvenation.

29:20 (7:20/mi pace); First mile: 7:51 (via teammates' Garmins)

27:15 (6:49/mi pace); Last mile: ~sub-6:30 (unofficial)

Came home for abs and med ball. Then rolled out plantars with a golf ball and iced them with TheraPearl packs.

Med ball, 1x10


Lunge w/ twist

Back hypers

Single leg hop

Overhead slams


Squat throw

Ice: 12:00
