Run: Tempo Previous Next


3:00 PM

10.5 mi


6:31 mi


  • Map

River Trail


T-shirt, shorts, and a heckton of rain for the bulk of the run. Ran a total of 4.5 miles threshold. Part of my group had 3.5, so we went out 800m and turned around for the first mile to pick them up at the starting post. Then went out 1.75 and turned around. Arms locked up, and I fell off Rachel and Shelby with a little over a mile to go. Not my best run, and not too happy with the whole thing, but felt like a good effort. Ended cool-down with 4 strides and intro med ball set. 21:00 WU, 20:00 CD

Mile 1: 6:10

Mile 2: 6:01

Mile 3: 5:59

Mile 4: 6:07

Last 800: 2:59
