Bike: Interval Previous Next


8:15 AM

16 mi


16 mi / hr


7 / 10
7 / 10
  • Map

<No name>


Spinning class. Did hill intervals.

4 x 1:30 where 1:00 we added gear twice, then pushed the last 30. Increased for each 1:30 set.

4 x 1:00 where for :30 we added once, then pushed the last 30. Increased for each 1:00 set.

4 x :30 where we pushed :15. Increased for each :30 set.

Did this again standing (for most of it).

In between main sets, we did Tabata intervals. That's 20 sec hard and 10 sec very slow, then you go again. We did them 8 times and did 2 sets (one in between the hill intervals, and at the end).
