Bike: Long Previous Next


3:15 PM

40 mi


16.55 mi / hr


75 F


8 / 10
8 / 10
  • Map

<No name>


Rode from the house down to the trail. It was windy and I was alone which sucked. Coming back in Morrow, some pervert along the trail got my attention and made some nasty gestures to me. That kind of ruined it. Later there was another freaky guy that started doing weird things on the trail when he saw me coming.

Aside from the shitty pervert experience, I did ride 40 miles. My bike said I only averaged 15.5, but there are so many stops on the trial. Most of the time I was doing somewhere between 16 - 17. Some times 18. For a brief stint coming back it was between 18 - 19. 14-15 happened if there was an upgrade or a lot of wind. Very slow 5 - 10 happened on up hills. So...I'm calling it 16.5 mph average because really that's where I was mostly.
