Run: Q - CV Previous Next


6:00 AM

8 mi


152.5 lb


7 / 10
7 / 10
  • Map


after about a 2 mile w/u, went right into the following:

4 x (0.75 miles at CV pace + 0.25 mile r/j) + 4 x 200m fast w/ 100m r/j

then 2 mile c/d

Splits (pace) for the 0.75 work bouts:

4:15 (5:40)

4:21 (5:48)

4:24 (5:49)

4:18 (5:41)

These were not ball busters. Rather, just crisp efforts. Feel like I've got a good 10K in my next weekend.

Wore new K-Swiss ONA shoes today. I like them. Seems like they'll be good for longer races too. More cushion/support than the Nike Lunar Racers.
