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4:00 PM

8 mi

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CMU track


mile repeats!

did this at the CMU track.

"4 X 1 mile in 5:48-­5:53 pace. This is roughly 10k effort and still specific to the 1/2."

3' recoveries after each

this is 1:26-1:28/quarter

WU: 25' easy, then 2 x 200 in ~42-44" (actually did both in 41")

5:45, 5:47, 5:49, 5:52 (5:48 ave)

felt pretty good about this workout! beautiful day, 75 and sunny (and windy--i think the wind picked up by 10 mph for my last 2...or I was just tired :). the first 2 were surprisingly easy/
