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6:15 AM

10 mi

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Cherry Blossom!

~4 mi WU with a few 1' strides

10 mi race... 1:02:47 (18:34 @ 5k, 30:27 @ 5 mi, 38:09 @ 10k)

6:17 pace, 47th female

Raced without a watch for the first time ever...went okay, but since Jamie and I started with the elites in the US 10 mi championship, there weren't many women to run with--I was in a pack of 4-5 for the first 6 miles, and unfortunately let them get away from me. The next couple miles were brutal (though beautiful running amidst the blooming cherry trees around the tidal basin), running into the wind; wish I could've stayed with them--I lost a lot of time. I just felt like my quads were unwilling to go as fast as I wanted them to/thought I should've been able to go. I usually have a great kick, but my legs were just not quite there. I'm assuming this is due to the workout Thurs evening (3 mi, then 2 mi @ 6:10). Not a great race, but I'm okay with it all things considered, and I suppose it's always good to PR by 11 minutes :)
