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6.5 mi

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1st Annual Pharaoh Hounds Petite Track Meet!

2 mile WU for 5k (1 mile easy, 4 x 1 minute hard strides), cut short since it was super duper hot and humid, even at 7:30 for the 5k

5k: 17:52, which was 1st female, but miserable; I was dripping sweat standing on the start line, and did a 5:32 first mile but then felt pretty bad by lap 6, nauseous even. Tried to stay with Ivan and Tom, but 83-84" quarters became impossible in the conditions. I know I'm capable of 18:30 right now, I just need a more cooperative day!

4x4: Lead off with a 65"....I'd stood around for the previous hour, and in the heat, it was all I could manage! Daniel, at his least injured we've seen him in, closed to help us nab 3rd (out of 4 :).

1 mile cooldown
