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6:00 PM

9 mi


7:07 mi

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CMU track


WU) 15 min jog + 4 x 100 m strides

Hounds workout: 6 x 1200 at 4:07-4:10 (82-83/quarter) with ~3:00 recovery (400 m jog)

4:11 | 4:04 | 4:02 | 4:02 | 4:03 | 4:03

This workout went SO well! I forgot how fun it is to run in a big pack...we had a dozen or so doing the workout, and a few people right at my pace (Steve, Steph, J2, Mark). I felt awesome, and doing them a few seconds faster than I was supposed to felt very natural. Running on the outdoor track in 30 degrees was a-mazing. Glad I took it easy yesterday!

CD) 1 mile jog
