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9:30 AM

6 mi

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A run which can only be accurately described with words like "torture" and "death march." When I woke up, Dad told me that the weather outside was "basically a blizzard" (!). But that wasn't about to stop me, so I wore a ton of layers and ventured outdoors. The 20+ mph wind was brutal when running into it (it was also 14 degrees), but the last couple miles with the wind to my back were fine, and I even regained feeling in my fingers and toes!

Left knee still hurts (wondering if I chipped the very top of my tibia? it's very tender, and the area around it is still very bruised and swollen....and it's been 11 days), and my left leg is super stiff.

I would've done the 2nd run today, but I just don't have it in me...moving it to tomorrow!
