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3:00 PM

20 mi


6:45 mi

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treadmill 20 miler! (super wintry outside--six inches of snow, some ice..generally messy)

WU) 3 mi working down from 8:00 to 7:00 pace

4 miles at goal pace: 6:07 | 6:07 | 6:03 | 6:03

2 miles easy (8:00-7:00)...minute break as I reset the treadmill

4 miles at goal pace: 6:03 | 6:03 | 6:00 | 6:00

2 miles easy (8:00-7:00)...couple min break to reset the treadmill and get more water

4 miles at goal pace: 4 @ 6:00!

CD) 1 mile easy jog

total @ goal pace: 12 miles; ave pace: 6:02 :)

nutrition: a gel at 7 and 13 miles, most of a big bottle of Gatorade, plus ~12 oz water

incline: 0.0

Super happy with this run!! Despite the monotony of running in one place indoors, I'm a big fan of doing workouts on the treadmill! This is good, because at the moment, there is nowhere in Pgh where it'd be possible to run anywhere near 6:00 pace (took Steve 40 min to "run" 3 miles!). I ended this run feeling really good; I actually felt like I could have done 3 x 5 or 6 miles, this was such a controlled effort. I'm confident I could run 6:05 pace for 26.2 miles on a treadmill...hopefully that means I'm ready for LA!
