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9:00 AM

7 mi

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Steeler's 5k! (actually legit 3.1 miles this year :)

2nd place in 17:42, which was good for a pair of Steelers tix for the home opener! Had some competition for 2nd for awhile--Corkum and Lisa Lucas with me for the first mile or so.. Nice, flat course. Calling it a PR since Montour starts with a massive downhill. Despite feeling not so hot while warming up, I felt pretty great when the gun went off--actually had a weird race with neither breathing nor legs feeling labored...just the general tiredness/fatigue building over the 2n d half. Didn't know the race ended right inside the stadium, so I didn't really get to kick and felt like i had something in the tank when I finished!

25' WU, 2 x 1' hard stride, 2 x :30 strides before race; 5' CD .........7 mi total
