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8:00 PM


166 lb
  • Exercises


Did workout E.

- RDL (3 x 12), 85, 95, 105 lbs.

- suitcase reverse lunges (3 x 12 each leg), 30 lb d-bell.

- dumbbell bench press (3 x 12), 35 lb d-bells.

- pull ups - 1 set of around 4.

- assisted pull up machine (2 sets) - level 8 1st set, level 9 2nd set. got around 9/10 each time.

- d-bell curl trifecta (2 x 8 each exercise), tried 17.5 d-bells 1st set. 2nd set, started at 17.5, down to 15, then 10.

- face pulls w/lift (2 x 12), 12.5 lbs.

- did 1 set of rotator cuff exercise - 12, on 2.5 lbs.

- did the BOSU ball drill for hitting.

- did back corrective stretches before and after.
