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7:00 PM



3 / 10
7 / 10
  • Exercises


This series of exercises is designed to address any imbalances in your ankles, shins and calves.

WU: Find your resistance bands and tennis/golf ball. Seriously... that is your warmup!

MS: 3 x

- 10 resisted toe points

- 10 resisted outward (adduction) lateral pulls

- 10 resisted inward (abduction) lateral pulls

- 8 resisted dorsal flexion pulls

CD: Spend 2 minutes rolling out the bottom of each foot with a tennis or golf ball. Spend extra time on the areas that cause you the most discomfort.

To see a video of how this series is done, go to: http://www.skywalkerfitness.ca/ankle-rebalance
