Run: Easy Previous Next


6.1 mi


7:00 mi

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<No name>


survived a mile further than last week at essentially the same pace. it feels dumb to have to mentally prepare for a 6 mile run though. I found this generally encouraging though since i did a worse job of keeping my powder dry this week than last. my 2nd and 3rd fastest miles were my first two and that isnt good. miles 4 and 5 were pretty rough.

looking forward to that feeling of running "normalcy" that will happen at some point. i don't know how long until i have it but i will know it when i start to feel it. essentially the feeling of being able to get through a run and feel "good". not that i wont be tired but that you dont feel as stretched to just accomplish it. i expect that will happen sometime not long after i get into doing my sessions and my fitness really starts to improve
