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2.3 mi


8:37 mi

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<No name>


Hauled myself out for a quick run before class. Whether was absolutely perfect!! However, my lungs were super tight. It's weird because I did my inhaler right before, as usual. I don't do anything that would mess up my lungs. And, I've been getting out and walking more so I feel like at least I should be not as fat as I was when I tried running in early October. I'm hoping it's nothing bad and I am just severely out of shape, because apart from the lungs this wasn't terrible.

I'm considering running the Dasher Dash, so I am training as if I am. But, I am not sure if I really want to pay full price ($30???) for a virtual 5k with no official time. Even if I don't do it, it would probably be good if I just get out and run.
