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3.2 mi


11:48 mi

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Trained Sean inside the Armory. Phone did not track the distance unfortunately. I am like 98% positive we ran 24 laps, but it’s hard to keep track for that many laps while trying to entertain someone who is not having a good time, lol. I ran an extra 2 laps while he went to the bathroom. Last lap was broken into a stride/sprint. I forgot how much I missed sprinting ??

Anyways, I'm really proud of Sean because he only stopped halfway to go to the bathroom. The rest of the time was a combination of walking and running (for him). I kept jogging to encourage him to not stop. I know this was super hard for him because I don't think he has ever ran that far, or at least this far in a very long time. Hopefully we can get him to break 10 in the mile soon. I think we just have to get past the fitness barrier, which I think will happen after a few weeks. Once he gets there, then he can really start working towards building up speed. It's a long way from now but I know he'll get there! As for me, this worked great as a recovery/prep day for a long run tomorrow. (Day 9 of 40)
