Run: Easy Previous Next


3.2 mi


8:36 mi

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<No name>


Life updates: got a marketing internship; Hoffman House host position continues to surprise me; video editing will be the death of me; haven't read 1984 in a week; heat so bad I stopped running.

Yes. I haven't been running. It's been too hot. I can't get up early enough to beat the heat. Summer is not a good time to try and get back into running. And I've been too busy. Excuses, excuses. Couldn't be bothered one bit.

Anyways, today was a nice day to get out and run. I could definitely feel how out of shape I am. It's fine. It's cool. I really don't be caring anymore. Sporadic running is better than nothing, right? Right?


1 mile - 8:39

2 mile - 8:45

3 mile - 8:35
