Run: Easy Previous Next


2.1 mi


10:46 mi

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Today I trained my friend Sean. He's trying to run 1.5 miles in 11:57 to honor his late grandfather. He's got a long way to go--he stopped and walked a few times--but I know he'll get there. He just has to break through the initial "out-of-shape" phase. I'm kind of excited to train someone. I'm not a coach or anything but I've always thought it would be cool to help someone get into running. We'll see how this goes. He has to essentially get down to an eight minute mile pace, which I think is very doable, especially for a guy once he is in shape. As for me, this was a super easy run. I jogged the entire time. It was pretty cold, but by the end it wasn't too bad. I'll be going longer tomorrow to make up for the distance. (Day 3 of 40)
