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3.1 mi


9:24 mi

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<No name>


This was my first run at UIUC! It was super super hot (like 87 degress) and very muggy. However, it wasn't that bad. What was bad was my brand new running shoes that I did NOT break in. Look, I knew what I was getting in to when I laced them up. I was in denial. I thought, "Hey, I'm just going on a chill run. Surely it won't happen to me." but alas, this was not to be true. I was plagued with foot cramps about 2 minutes into my run. Unfortunately for me, I was going to have to deal with it.

Running through campus was cool! I thought it would be pretty easy to get three miles, but as it turns out, campus is not as big as I thought it was. I kept checking my phone thinking I had already hit halfway when I had barely got over a mile! That was a little frustrating. This run really proved to me how little I understand campus. I don't know why, but I keep mentally putting places no where near where they actually are. I guess I have my own idea of how campus should be laid out, lol. Anyways, it was a good way to get around and see everything!

This was a much-needed run. I was able to get my mind off of some things--and I forgot how great that feeling is. I had been meaning to get out and I just hadn't. It's kind of hard to fit in a run with the schedule I have. I mean, I could technically wake up early, but, really, who am I kidding? I am NOT going to wake up early. That's not an option. However, it might have to be because I really do not want to get the freshman fifteen. And, in truth, running will forever be a part of me. I can't let it go that easily. Whenever I see our club team go by, I am a little jealous. I miss being on a team. For the record, I have not yet fully written off club cross country or track. I just don't know if I have the time to commit, nor do I have the times to compete. I am also very much out of shape. Perhaps I will start with track this winter (which surprises me since I don't really enjoy track) and then join the cross country team next fall. We shall see what my commitments are! Anyways, running is great even though it is death. It made me feel healthy again.

Moral of the story: always break in your shoes. It will make your runs better.
