Run: Easy Previous Next


4.5 mi


8:21 mi

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<No name>


Convinced Dominic to get out and run with me, but he did veer off and do his own route after a mile in3. Had a good steady pace for this run, but I was just not into it. I needed to stop a few times from the heat. Also because I could STILL feel my lunch (2 small quesadillas!! and a handful of takis) from 5 hours prior. It makes it hard to run when I can feel it!! Tried out a different route and just tacked on an extra 0.5 for the heck of it. (Partially because just once I want to get the monthly distance challenge trophy on Strava)


1 mile - 8:36

2 mile - 8:19

3 mile - 8:34

4 mile - 8:10

Also did 10 minutes of core + strength
