Run: Easy Previous Next


3.1 mi


8:46 mi

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<No name>


Today was very humid and sucked out all my energy. I felt slow and sluggish right at the beginning of the run. Second mile was fast but I was dying. Last mile was strictly survival jogging. Around 2.65 miles, I saw this girl about my age running towards me on the other side of the road. We were both kind of jogging, but as soon as we both saw each other we picked up our pace. I was not happy because that was where I was going to stop! So I had to run through, acknowledge her with a wave, and then wait until the top of Sequoia to take my much-needed break. I zoomed downhill and then felt absolutely exhausted by the time I finished. I did really finish on empty. But this was just not a fun time at all.


1 mile - 8:57

2 mile - 8:37

3 mile - 8:48

+ core
