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4.1 mi


8:16 mi

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Got up just a little earlier than usual. It was a little cold when I started, but the heat climbed pretty quickly. No where near the heat of last week, but it did start to get a little uncomfy and humid. I really shouldn't be complaining because it wasn't bad at all. My calves were tight again. They've been tight ever since I tightened my laces. I can't seem to get my laces right with these shoes: I tighten them to help my feet, but then my calves hurt; I loosen them to help my calves, but then my feet hurt. Or sometimes I tie the laces too tight and my feet hurt anyway. Obviously the shoes are just not good for me, but I don't have a lot of options right now. Oh well.

Despite the tight calves, I felt pretty good. Weirdly, I thought I was going a lot faster for my first mile and a lot slower for my other miles. I think I was just putting in more effort for the first mile simply because it was the beginning of the run. ~8:10 pace doesn't really feel too hard. Can't really talk while doing it, but then again, I can't really talk while running at any pace. It's funny because I was able to get my pace under control (~8:25, still could be better) and then I did one fartlek and I am back to running too fast again. I am basically running everything at tempo speed so that's a big oof. Nevertheless, I will keep trying to slow down. Tomorrow is a tempo so we'll see how that turns out.


1 mile - 8:35

2 mile - 8:19

3 mile - 8:14

4 mile - 7:58 (oops)
