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3.2 mi


7:57 mi

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<No name>


Ran a little under three miles. Did some strides and some cool down laps. We were zoooooomin. Really don't know much about this run split-wise. We ran the first two miles nonstop. We took a short break halfway. Then when we ran the third mile we realized we were dead. We walked a bit and then strode the straightaways -- 2 laps, straightaways were strides and curves were jogs. The track was about 169 meters a lap, so a mile was 9.5 laps. I think we miscounted the first two miles because we ran it at around 13:38--a while 5 or 6 seconds slower than my end-of-year 2 mile race at sectionals. I think we were off about 2 minutes. When we finished the last mile, which I made sure to count, we were at 21:25. That's like a 6:47 mile. So, we might have ran a 7:09 mile pace for three miles. Perhaps we really did run two miles in 13:38. It's very possible because it felt like we were going really fast. I didn't have that familiar post-race tight chest/wheezing/coughing going on. Bottom line, I think we were going fast, but maybe not sub-7 pace for the first two miles. My guess is we forgot 2-3 laps, which would probably have brought the time to somewhere between 14:50-15:30, which would make sense. But I am sure our last mile was super fast.

(Day 19 of 40)
