Run: Easy Previous Next


3.1 mi


8:06 mi

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<No name>


I thought it was going to be freezing because it was cold and rainy earlier. I waited for it to stop raining, and I guess when the rain stops the world gets warmer? Idk but I wore leggings and a long sleeve and I was sweatinggggggggg. Anyways, it's cool to see me getting back into shape--endurance is still not there, but pace is getting down. Eight minutes felt pretty chill, 8:40 felt too slow. Definitely need to make sure I don't start going too fast tho. I'll run myself into the ground if I do. Legs felt heavy/tired, but it's not showing in this pace. Lol. But overall, quite happy with this run!


1 mile - 8:08

2 mile - 8:10

3 mile - 8:00
