Run: Easy Previous Next


2.6 mi


8:39 mi

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Last week completely got away from me. I got my second dose of Pfizer on May 7th, so I took the days following it off. Then I had to deal with finals and moving out. Then I had my birthday and some other celebrations over the weekend, so I finally got the chance to start again this week.

I could tell I had a week off. I had tight calves again. Also, I can tell I'm pounding too much on my left foot. Need to get my form back on track. I had to stop quite a few times because of tight legs. Hoping muscle memory will activate soon.

Also, I ran on the Charles Street bike path. There wasn't too many people around. No one was blatantly ignoring me like last year, so that's good.

Sprinted down Sequoia, which felt good. Came back and did 10 minutes of core.


1 mile - 8:47

2 mile - 8:46

.55 mile - 7:58
