Run: Easy Previous Next


3.2 mi


8:55 mi

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<No name>


This was, quite frankly, the worst run I have ever done this year and it's only the 5th one. After a mile I was feeling winded. After 1.5 miles my right shin was tight and my left achille hurt. I had to take an extended break at the halfway mark. I felt winded again on the turn around. At 2.3 miles I had to take an extended break, and then again at 2.5. The primary reason for the breaks was solely because I could not run with such tight legs!!

I'm thinking my leg pains is a combination of a few things: poorly tied shoes (I keep adjusting them each run to try and find the sweet spot to no avail), rarely-used muscles (I live a rather sedentary life as an online student), and losing muscle memory for running form. I do think I sort of "forgot" how to run. It's been a long enough break since I ran consistently, so I could see this being the case. Whatever the cause, I would love for it to stop because the rest of my body feels good, but I can't really get it to go. At this point, I'd like to just run without leg pain. Who cares about the pace.


1 mile - 8:53

2 mile - 8:48

3 mile - 9:06 (I was just happy to finish my run)
