Run: Easy Previous Next


4.1 mi


8:50 mi

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<No name>


I got Dominic to run with me today! Since I am taking this week easy, I was fine with slowing down to his pace. We had to stop a few times because his shoe was making his foot hurt. Wasn't a fan of that but it is what it is. Ran at Midway again. This time I checked out the full loop I was planning on doing. I don't really like the inner Midway loop, but I do like the outer Saturn/Perryville loop. I'm going to look into alternative routes because the inner loop is certified death (boring, monotonous, endless).


1 mile - 8:54

2 mile - 9:01

3 mile - 9:37 (I think I forgot to pause for part of a stop)

4 mile - 8:07 (I blasted out of there and left Dom in the dust. Had to come in strong too)
