Run: Easy Previous Next


3.2 mi


8:29 mi

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<No name>


Today I felt pretty good, but my chest was weirdly tight. I didn't have heavy/tight shins/calves/achilles, which was absolutely wonderful. About a mile in, I was at a stoplight and some girl was on the other side of the street looking like she was gonna be on my route. So I started to haul it out of fear of getting passed. When I got to the turn around point of my route (about a half mile later), I saw that she had turned back early. I realized she wasn't going too fast, so I set my sights on her and ran her down. I caught up to her at the very same light as earlier and zoomed past. I continued to cruise back and I really felt like I was hitting me stride. Granted, my chest was still tight and I definitely felt winded, this was a great feeling. I'm just happy to not be having that killer leg combo.

Did 10 minutes of core.


1 mile - 8:38

2 mile - 8:30

3 mile - 8:13
