Run: Easy Previous Next


3.3 mi


8:15 mi

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<No name>


Lowkey hot. Also did 4 strides at the end. I felt pretty good doing the strides. My form felt good and I could really feel myself kicking into gear--everything was moving in the right way so that I was zooming with out killing myself. Yesterday I strode up a hill that happens to be a Strava segment on the bike path. My form felt good through the entire thing. I ended up beating my own Course Record of 48 seconds, making the new Women's CR 45 seconds. (I've actually broken the Women's CR quite a few times). I'm really liking how I'm feeling with these strides/sprints, but they are all under 200m. I need to get out and do something on a track or do a track-like work out soon. Just because I can sprint a short distance relatively fast does not mean I'm fast hehehe. Plus, I've kind of been itching to do an all-out 200 and just some general speed work with 400s and 800s.


1 mile - 8:35

2 mile - 8:18

3 mile - 8:03
