Run: Progression Previous Next


6.2 mi


8:09 mi


222 lb


45 F
  • Map


Me and Josh. Dumb. This was a stupid, stupid run.

And it felt GREAT.

Wanted to just put 6 in at 8:45's. Ran the 6 loop backwards and just about a mile in something went "snap" in mah head and I started turning the screws. mile 2 @ 8:15, 3 @ 7:35; then I dropped Josh halfway through mile 4 right after he said "asshole, 6:50"; heh. pushed until just after the 5 mile mark. No idea on pace but effort stayed right there all the way through. Finally let off the gas and coasted back.

Like I said, stupid. BUT...My legs feel fine, and never failed during the run. Even my breathing and form felt alright. It was a good, HARD effort, and i was glad to finally ease up, but it didn't kill me. Still, I can't keep hammering away every other run or my fat azz is going to break down. Not sure how to label this one, tempo? Progression? Fukkin' Stupid?
