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day 16

Part One – Full Body Blast:


1. 1 x Push-Up, Spider Push-Up (L&R) & Oblique Twist (L&R) - using the Tbar weights

2. Chest Press with Reverse Curl Legs - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights

3. 10 Mountain Climbers & 2 Tuck Jumps

4. Clean & Press & Push-Up - using the Sandbag or Tbar

5. Burpees

6. Get Ups - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights

7. Hanging Knee Raisers - using the Equalizer

8. Super Girl Push Ups - (On the up, opposite leg & arm raise, L&R Alternate)

9. Mountain Climbers

10. One Arm Push Ups - (L&R Alternate)

11. V Abs - (make a V with your legs in front on the lift) - using the Equalizer

12. Seated Oblique Twists - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights

13. Shoulder Press - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar

14. Surfer Switch Jump & Push-up Burpee

15. Jack Knife Abs - (legs & arms go out & come in together to touch at the top) - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights

16. One Arm Clean & Press - (Left) - using the Sandbag or Tbar weights

17. One Arm Clean & Press - (Right) - using the Sandbag or Tbar weights

18. Overhead Abs - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights

19. Weighted - 10 Mountain Climbers & 10 High Knees - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights

20. Lunge & Twist - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar

21. Bike Abs

22. Tricep Dips - (Your Choice)

23. Sandbag Swing - using the Sandbag

24. Pull-Ups - using the Equalizer

25. Upright Row & Bent Over Row - using the Sandbag or Tbar

26. Squat & Calve Raises - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar

27. Elevated Push-Ups - using the Equalizer

28. Squat Jumps

29. 1 Jump Forward & 2 Jumps Back

30. Ninja Tuck Jump

31. Touch Toe Abs - (L&R Alternate) - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights

32. Diving Knee Tucks


(One Round Rest)


Section 2.

Part Two – Movement & Strength:


1. Push-Up, Clean & Press - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights

2. Squat & Press - using the Sandbag or Tbar weights

3. Tuck Abs

4. 1 Arm Clean & Press, Squat & Press & push Up - (Alternate left & Right Arm) - using the Tbar weights

5. Lunge & Twist - (Alternate L&R) - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights

6. Dive Bombers

7. Left Woodchop - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights

8. Right Woodchop - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights

9. 10 High Weighted Knees & 10 Mountain Climbers - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights

10. Push Up & Plank Row - using the Tbar weights

11. Chest Press & Reverse Curl Legs - (Legs go down when weight comes to chest) - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights

12. Lunge & Press - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights

13. 8′s (or ab exercise of choice) - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights

14. Standing Fly’s - using the Tbar weights


(One Round Rest)


Section 3.

Part Two – Weighted Burnout:


Set Your Screen Shot 2013-08-17 at 8.22.17 PM to 10 seconds rest & 30 seconds work as below

We complete this section Together.


1. Straight Abs - (Knees Up)

2. Bicep Curl - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights

3. Oblique V Abs Left

4. Tricep Dips

5. Tuck Abs

6. Chest Press - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights

7. Oblique V Abs Right

8. Upright Row - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights

9. Squats - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights

10. Push-Ups

11. Flys - using the Tbar weights

12. Lunge & Twist - (Alternate L&R) - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights

13. Pull Ups - using the Equalizer

14. Reverse Curls

15. Shoulder Press - using the Equalizer

16. Bent-over Row - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights

17. Clean & Press - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
